Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunnier On A Sunday.

This time a sunny Spring Sunday outside with the kittens and kittens and bundles of cat! My Frank and Bee have a way of making lounging outside in the long grass seem the best thing ever - and when they're lounging with me, it really is. I managed to get a few pictures of them wrestling! But they're annoyingly blurry, as my camera isn't particularly fond of motion (auto-focus isn't fast enough). Billie was still enough for photos! For more than one photo! This is success at its best. Frankie was still too, but when is he ever not?

On the table, chewing on a rubber band! I don't let Billie Bee chew on small things when I'm not around - she tends to try to eat them. I found her once with a ribbon half down her throat, poor kitty. D:

That thing Bee's standing on? An old guinea pig cage. Pig (that was his name) ran away one day when I was moving his cage, and I haven't seen him since. A shame he didn't come back - he'd adore that ridiculously long grass growing through the roof of his home. Tasty tasty Pig food.

Oh, Fatty Franks. How'd you get up there? What was that? The mean human put you in the tree? Okay, so maybe I did. But only for a minute and I got him right down! He's not as much of a climber as his sister. That's not to say he doesn't climb trees, but when he does it's usually because he chased Bee up there. When he was an itty-bitty baby kitty, about two months old, he escaped my grasp and scrambled up a pine tree! It was a small one, luckily, and my brother got him down - manly man of a cat was crying the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. PIG!! D: He was cute too.

    Billie's rubberband looks like a worm. XD
