Sunday, October 23, 2011

That Sunny Spring Saturday.

Some photos from yesterday! In case you're interested, I use a Nikon D3100 camera for all my pictures. I only got it in August, and I'm not particularly talented, but hey, the photos turned out pretty okay, I think! So, between episodes of season two of Dexter (it needed to be rewatched), I ventured outside to play with Frank and Bee (to avoid confusion, Frankie's collar is red, and Billie's is blue). Damn Spring weather was sunny like Summer. Not something I welcome, being a Winter fan. Being too cold is bearable. Being too hot? Well, that's not. I didn't stay out for too long with them. Less than half an hour, in truth. Tasmania. Stay out for more than half an hour when there's sun, and you'll be red as blood orange. 

Frankie, the most handsome cat of handsome cats, prince of princes and princess of the drama, loves being outside. He was rolling on some steps when I took this - poked his head around to see what weird thing the human was doing this time. 

He really is a photogenic cat. The fatty fat boy (he's a giant compared to his sister) likes to laze about in the grass, whereas his sister won't stay still! Here, he's actually watching her. Watching and waiting. Waiting for the right moment to pounce!

 Billie. I put her in the tree. In my defence, she loves it up there. She had been in it earlier, before I brought my camera out, and I just needed a shot! Sadly this was the best I got. She kept wriggling and moving, jumping to branch after branch after limb after branch. And look! Isn't that cute?! She has a little white spot on her chest. Aside from that, she's dark as night, and a darker black than her brother.

His chest hair is growing back! Frank's well on his way to being the manly man of a cat he used to be, before his abscess. 

Pot plants. What's not to love? They add a cute, quaint, calm, cottage-like feel to every garden. I particularly love the blue of this pot! And that it seems to be full of wild daisies, rather than the hidden cactus it's meant to house. Hush, now. I never claimed to be a master gardener. ...Or a decent one.

And last of all, my house! The TARDIS blue box with another ocean view. Sure, plenty of people pay more money than I'll ever own for a sparkling ocean view, but having lived literally across the road from the beach twice now, and having had a Derwent River view from a house I lived in... five years ago? It's really nothing new to me. That said, in the hotter morning hours when the sun is at its brightest, the water really does catch alight, and it never fails to make me smile. Maybe I'll show you the view sometime.

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