Monday, December 5, 2011

December Dump.

Exactly as the title says. A way overdue photo dump to welcome December! I spent today wrapping all the presents my mother bought that are not addressed to me. I love wrapping presents - it is utterly therapeutic. I wrapped and wrapped until there was no more to wrap! Hopefully that will change soon. I was considering wrapping random household objects, but decided against it as it would be a waste of paper and tape. Recently I have been spending about half an hour in my brother's bed each night, when he's out with his friends. Because Frankie loves Jack's room, and hates mine. He sleeps in Jack's room, is happy in Jack's room. He's only happy in mine when he's eating. 

Some flowers on a tree! A photo from way back when. 

Possums about a metre from Jack's window! Frankie was going nutty, leaping at the window to no avail.

My squee Bee! Look at that soft kitten belly. 

Billie just yesterday. 

And again! I finally worked out how to take non-blurry motion pictures. 


Random close-up! 

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